Pre-Race Report! And carbs!!!

Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon

Look what my bib says!
Look what my bib says!

You guys! Race day tomorrow! Ten hours!

I should be in bed considering how early I have to get there to secure a spot in the porta-potty line with enough time left for gear check and making my way to the front of the corral without having to thrown any elbows.

I get such a nervous tummy and always have – whether race day, open mic nights, or heading into the court room – my performance anxiety lives in the pit of my digestive track. It means getting to every race at least an hour early because race day porta potty lines are epic. (And I’ve cut it uncomfortably [on several levels] close a couple times.)

My friend Chris suggested over a delicious dinner tonight during which I showed him a picture of the metric ton of chicken tikka masala and samosas I’d had out of a truck at lunch right before ordering wild boar cinghiale, that perhaps my gastric anxiety  was a function of what I ate. Chris is silly.


So I have to rise and make it there early, and have to bring (wear) towels and trash bags I can discard at the start line, because it is going to RAIN all morning. I’ve got sweat wicking everything and just picked up a rain proof arm band. The Nike rain jacket that is so light it’s almost unusable will finally be getting some play and I’ve packed dry clothes in my gear check bag. Sadly I think the rain is going to chase us away from the Better Than Ezra finish line party (and I LOVE the 90s!) but I’ve got brunch reservations every hour on the hour so no matter what time we leave we should be set for mimosas and all the eggs.

I’m hoping the two rest days this week will have done the trick and I can run feeling fresher and lighter than I have the last few weeks. Then again, chicken tikka masala and wild boar cinghiale…feeling light tomorrow probably isn’t in the cards. Ah well, good night!

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